Remote Advocacy Toolkit

Remote Advocacy Toolkit

NC Arts & the Economy

Scheduling the Meeting

  • Contact the office of the official or officials (city, county, state, federal) with whom you would like to speaks by phone or email.
  • Be patient and polite, yet persistent. Be understanding of the demands on their time and the difficulty of managing priorities. Continue to follow up politely with emails and/or phone calls until you are able to schedule an appointment.
  • The meeting can be a conversation with just yourself or a group.
  • Schedule a phone call/conference or video call/conference.
  • Use the communication method the official prefers. Offer your connection (video or phone conference), but use theirs if it is offered. You want to accommodate the official as much as possible.

Preparing for the Conversation

  • Find a quiet place to have the conversation. If it is on video, you may want to consider your background and lighting and check how you look on your computer screen prior to the meeting.
  • Dress for a video meeting. You do not necessarily need to wear full business attire, but something nicer than a loungewear, or athletic wear.
  • Prepare materials and information to support your position.
  • If you want to share materials, be sure to email them before the meeting. If using video conference, you may utilize “screen share” to review the materials, or even show pictures or videos, during the conversation. However, be prepared that the official may choose to phone into a video conference.

Having Arts Advocacy Conversations

  • Remember this is a conversation, not a presentation. It is important that you allow two-way communication and that you listen as well as speak.
  • Start with a greeting that is warm and positive.
  • Outline the issues you plan to discuss, as it helps to establish how much time may be available for each topic.
  • Share your story. Use a narrative about the arts and/or arts education that helps justify your request. The narrative should be concise and authentic. Personal stories can be the most effective. 
  • Educate and explain. Use data and information that supports your goals which can include economic impact, student outcomes, demographics of the community served or any other information that puts your individual story into a broader context and makes a case for the arts and/or arts education.
  • Ask for the arts. This is the most important part. It may be funding, legislation, or something else, but you want to be sure that you provide a way for the official to do something positive in support of the arts and/or arts education.
  • Close by thanking the official for their time, service, and consideration.
  • Send a Thank You Note (handwritten notes are best, though emails will work)
  • Follow up by email with materials and resources that support your request.

Group Conversations

  • If you are having a group conversation:
    • Assign one person to lead/moderate the conversation.
    • Establish a speaking order before the meeting.
    • Discuss what everyone will speak about to avoid contradiction or repetition.
  • The leader should start the conversation by either introducing everyone on the call or allowing them to introduce themselves. In a larger group, introductions can take more time, which may be limited. You may ask people to introduce themselves as they speak.
  • The leader should give a brief introduction on the topic(s) at hand. The leader then “moderates” making sure everyone speaks in turn and that all topics are covered.
  • Everyone in turn should tell their story. All data, stories, and information shared should support the “ask” or goal of the meeting.
  • Be flexible with the flow of the conversation. Answer questions when asked. Remember it is a conversation, not a presentation.
  • The leader should conclude by summarizing the discussion and thank the Official for their time.