Arts Candidate Engagement Challenge 2022 & Toolkit

Arts North Carolina is challenging the state for at least 22 creative communities to host one arts focused candidate event or conduct candidate surveys prior to Election Day on November 8, 2022. To support this initiative, Arts NC has created an easy to use step-by-step Arts Candidate Forum/Event Toolkit to prepare local arts organizations and leaders for successful events centered around local races for elected office. Local events and surveys can feature candidates for mayor and/or city/town council, local school boards, county commission, or local districts for NC House of Representative or NC Senate. Arts NC will work directly with arts leaders who wish to engage candidates through these events or surveys and will be tracking progress and celebrating success over the next 15 months.
“The pandemic has not only shown how much the arts desperately need public support, but also how much the public desperately needs and supports the arts. These events and surveys are a way for urban and rural arts communities of all sizes to both educate and build relationships with local government. Given the fact that the nonprofit arts industry is so thoroughly experienced at promoting and hosting events, this may be the most effective advocacy tool available at the local level.”
Arts NC Executive Director Nate McGaha
Some communities may opt for more informal political engagement and prefer a Meet & Greet event where candidates can introduce themselves to the crowd and mingle with voters, while other communities may prefer a Candidate Forum where questions are posed to all those running for office. But all of these events will provide opportunities to educate candidates and constituencies about the economic, educational, and civic value of their local arts community.

Arts NC has compiled best practices from national organizations and lessons learned from events held right here in North Carolina in the Arts Candidate Forum/Event Toolkit to make sure arts leaders know what to do, and what not to do. The guide was created in a bullet point, to-do-list style to provide all of the information in an easily digested, easily referenced format specifically geared for arts focused candidate events. A recording is also available of an Arts Candidate Forums and Events Webinar, featuring Rhonda Bellamy, Executive Director, Arts Council of Wilmington and New Hanover County and Charles Phaneuf, President, United Arts of Raleigh and Wake County, who have both held successful events for local elections and significantly contributed to this effort.
All those interested in hosting an arts focused candidate forum or event should contact Nate McGaha at