ArtsEdNC.org: New Home for NC Arts Education Leadership Coalition
As part of our celebration of NC Arts in Education Week, Arts North Carolina is proud to launch ArtsEdNC.org, the new online home of the NC Arts Education Leadership Coalition (AELC). The website will be a hub of advocacy, information, and communication for all aspects of the North Carolina arts education community and provide the updates, research, and resources that arts educators and advocates need.
AELC is a statewide coalition of professional arts organizations addressing the needs of K-12 arts education in North Carolina. The NC Arts Education Coalition includes Arts NC, NC Art Education Association, NC Bandmaster’s Association, NC Chapter of American Coral Directors Association, NC Chapter of the American String Teachers Association, NC Dance Education Organization, NC Music Educators Association, NC Educational Theatre Association, NC Theatre Arts Educators, and NC Theatre Conference and is moderated by NC Department of Public Instruction K-12 Arts.