NC Budget Update: The Good, the Bad, and the Earmarks Both the Republican controlled NC House of Representatives and the NC Senate have voted to approve a budget, which has been vetoed by Governor Cooper, just as it has in…
Two Pieces of Good Arts News from Washington DC: New STAR Act and NEA Funding Update
Two Pieces of Good Arts News from Washington DC: New STAR Act and NEA Funding Update Two pieces of good news for the arts have come from Washington DC recently, and one of them is because of a North Carolina…
CALL TO ACTION: $0 from Senate- $1M from House- ACT NOW!
CALL TO ACTION: $0 from Senate- $1M from House- ACT NOW! The NC Senate announced its budget recommendations which included NO additional funds for NC Arts Council grants and NO Arts High School Graduation Requirement. Now the Budget moves to…
Call to Action: Contact Your NC Senator about House Budget
Call to Action: Contact Your NC Senator about House Budget The NC House of Representatives have approved their budget for the 2019-2021 Biennium and sent it to the Senate for consideration. As the Senate works through their budget, we want…
Joint Caucus on Arts off to a Strong Start
Joint Caucus on Arts off to a Strong Start On March 13th history was made, or rather created, as the first convening of the Joint Caucus on Arts and Arts Education took place at the North Carolina General Assembly. There…