Arts Education is Essential, Not Extra For too long we have treated the arts in our schools as an “extra.” So often they are described as the “nice” subject that breaks up the day so that young minds can rest…
Celebrating Arts in Education: Recognizing Excellence in Our Schools
Celebrating Arts in Education: Recognizing Excellence in Our Schools Arts North Carolina is a proud to partner with the various organizations that work with and represent arts educators and advance comprehensive arts education in our state. Each year we honor…
Governor Proclaims Arts in Education Week 2019
Governor Proclaims Arts in Education Week 2019 Arts North Carolina is proud that Governor Roy Cooper has joined in the national celebration and proclaimed September 8-14, 2019 as Arts in Education Week in North Carolina. Please tell the Governor…
Arts Grant Restrictions and Line Item Funding in the Proposed State Budget
Arts Grant Restrictions and Line Item Funding in the Proposed State Budget Through our $1 for the ARTS initiative, Arts NC advocates for and supports the grant programs of the NC Arts Council, which reach all 100 counties. They also…
NC Budget Update: The Good, the Bad, and the Earmarks
NC Budget Update: The Good, the Bad, and the Earmarks Both the Republican controlled NC House of Representatives and the NC Senate have voted to approve a budget, which has been vetoed by Governor Cooper, just as it has in…