Call to Action: $300K Arts Grants Increase- Over 1/3 of NC House in Arts Caucus A budget bill has been approved by both the NC Senate and NC House of Representatives that includes a $300,000 increase in non-recurring funding for…
Don’t Forget About the Healing Power of the Arts
Don’t Forget About the Healing Power of the Arts As we speak to others about the arts, whether that be elected officials or the neighbor out walking his dog, we generally speak of our own experiences. This is not a…
Artisan Politics: Primary Colors are Red, Blue, and… Green?
Artisan Politics: Primary Colors are Red, Blue, and… Green? This will be the most contested election in the entire recorded history of the North Carolina General Assembly. All 50 Senate seats and all 120 House seats will be contested in…
$1 for the ARTS
$1 for the ARTS It is Arts North Carolina’s primary task each legislative session to listen to the myriad of challenges and triumphs of our united arts community and to create a clear and concise legislative proposal to deliver to…