Phase 3 of Reopening and the Arts; Summary and Clarifications

January 29th: Executive Order 189– Phase 3 Extended for 4 weeks until February 28thth including stay at home curfew requiring all arts venues to be closed and events ended before 10:00pm until 5:00am and no on-site alcohol sales between 9:00pm and 7:00am. Take-away cocktail sales have been extended until March 31st.
January 8th: Executive Order 188– Phase 3 Extended for 3 weeks until January 29th including stay at home curfew requiring all arts venues to be closed and events ended before 10:00pm until 5:00am and no on-site alcohol sales between 9:00pm and 7:00am.
December 11th: Executive Order 181– Phase 3 Extended for 4 weeks until January 8th and stay at home curfew requiring all arts venues to be closed and events ended before 10:00pm until 5:00am and no on-site alcohol sales between 9:00pm and 7:00am.
November 23rd: Executive Order 180- Phase 3 Extended for 1 week until December 11th and face mask requirements and enforcement strengthened.
November 13th: Executive Order 176– Phase 3 Extended for 3 weeks until December 4th and the Indoor Mass Gathering Limit lowered from 25 to 10, which does NOT apply to arts venues operating capacity.
October 23rd: Executive Order 170– Phase 3 Extended for 3 weeks until November 13th.
October 2nd: Executive Order 169– Phase 3 of Reopening begins setting capacity and operating restrictions for many arts venues including indoor and outdoor venues for live performances, movie screenings, and event spaces while reiterating existing capacity and operating restrictions for dance studios and art museums. SEE PHASE 3 SUMMARY
Arts North Carolina has received several clarifications from the NC Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS), including the maximum amount of patrons certain venues can allow depending on the activity being presented. The following is from NCDHHS, lightly edited for flow and clarification:
Venues should follow the requirements in Executive Order 169 and relevant NCDHHS Guidance for the event they are hosting. With the exception of venues that meet the criteria under Section 6 of the Order (outdoor venues with capacity over 10,000), venues which host live performances must follow Section 3.2 and NCDHHS Interim Guidance for Indoor and Outdoor Small & Medium Size Venues, which limits capacity to 25 guests indoors, not including staff and performers.
However, if a performing arts center or auditorium chooses to screen a movie instead of putting on a live performance, they must follow Section 3.8 of Executive Order 169 and NCDHHS Interim Guidance for Movie Theaters. If these venues are hosting a conference or similar event, they would also follow the requirements outlined in Section 3.8 and NCDHHS Interim Guidance for Meeting Rooms and Event Spaces. These Section 3.8 requirements include having all guests remain seated and social distanced and limiting occupancy to 30% or 100 people per room, whichever is less.
Food and concessions can be served at live performances, movie screenings, and conferences, however the occupancy would remain as limited above (i.e. venues can not serve food and then operate at 50% as a restaurant). Events with both live performances and movie screenings may determine on a case-by-case basis whether Section 3.2 or 3.8 is most relevant for the event.
Phase 3 Summary for the Arts
- Indoor Venues hosting Live Performances may only allow 25 patrons and should follow NCDHHS Interim Guidance for Indoor and Outdoor Small & Medium Size Venues.
- Indoor Venues showing a Movie may allow 30% of their capacity, or 100 persons, whichever is less per screen and should follow NCDHHS Interim Guidance for Movie Theaters.
- Indoor Venues hosting Conferences and Events may allow 30% of their capacity, or 100 persons, whichever is less and should follow NCDHHS Interim Guidance for Meeting Rooms and Event Spaces.
- Outdoor Venues with capacity less than 10,000 can allow 30% of their capacity, or 100 persons, whichever is less and should follow NCDHHS Interim Guidance for Indoor and Outdoor Small & Medium Size Venues.
- Outdoor Venues with capacity greater than 10,000 can may allow 7% of their capacity and should follow NCDHHS Interim Guidance for Very Large Outdoor Venue Settings.
- Museums may allow 50% of their capacity (no more than 25 individuals in each room) and should follow NCDHHS Interim Guidance for Museums and Aquariums.
- Dance Studios may allow 30% of their capacity and should follow these NCDHHS Interim Guidance for Indoor Fitness Centers and Gyms Settings.