CALL TO ACTION: Urge NC Arts Caucus Membership

On February 9th on the floor of the NC House of Representatives, Rep. Becky Carney announced that she and Rep. Kyle Hall would re-establish the Joint Caucus on Arts and Arts Education. On February 28th on the floor of the NC Senate Sen. Mike Woodard announced that he and Sen. Vickie Sawyer have also re-established the Arts Caucus in that chamber. Now is the time to ask your NC legislators to join the Arts Caucus.
We need a strong Joint Caucus on Arts and Arts Education to advance public funding for nonprofit arts organizations and public policy for arts education during the 2023 NC General Assembly session.
The Arts Caucus has been crucial to Arts NC initiatives:
- $24.4 million for nonprofit arts organizations in state CARES and ARPA funding.
- $1 million recurring increase in NC Arts Council Grant funding.
- Passing the NC Arts High School Graduation Requirement.
- Educating Legislators about the impact and value of the arts in NC.
TAKE 2 MINUTES TO ASK your NC House Representative and NC Senator
“The purpose of the Joint Caucus on Arts and Arts Education will be to educate Members of the House and Senate on the economic, educational, and civic impact of the arts industry in North Carolina. The Caucus will meet as called by the Chairs for the purpose of disseminating research and information and to help grow awareness of North Carolina as The Creative State.”