It’s the Economy, Genius! Economic impact data has been a staple of arts advocacy for decades, but we often do not use it as we should. Many of us followed our hearts into the arts with little, if any thought…
A Message from the Executive Director
A Message from the Executive Director While I have had the honor of holding the position of Executive Director of Arts North Carolina for a few weeks, it has been only a few days since I have held it alone.…
Drive the Arts Forward
Drive the Arts Forward Wherever you go this summer, whatever you do…we need you to drive the arts forward! Help our special arts license plate push now through September 15. Every $30 arts license plate helps Arts NC advocate for…
Executive Director Named for Arts NC
Executive Director Named for Arts NC Nate McGaha has been named the new Executive Director of Arts North Carolina by Gilda McDaniel, Chair of the Board of Directors and Search Committee. He replaces Karen Wells who has served for seventeen…