Picture of Student Orchestra

Call To Action: Good News, Not-So-Good News, and Great News

Call To Action: Good News, Not-So-Good News, and Great News

Picture of Student Orchestra

The Good News:

The U.S, House Interior Appropriations Committee advanced a bill yesterday proposing $145 million to the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA). This is good news, as it fully rejects the White House’s call from its FY 2018 Budget Proposal for the elimination of the NEA, which provides funding for our nation’s cultural resources.

The Not-So-Good News:

The $145 million appropriation amounts to a 3.3% cut to the NEA’s current funding, and is $10 million less than the request supported by a record number of members of Congress this year.

The Great News:

It will only take you TWO MINUTES through Americans for the Arts and the Arts Mobilization Center of the Arts Action Fund to contact your members of Congress and tell them that you support the NEA and why. The message is getting through, but it must be heard clearly.

Click here to send your message now.

The Next Steps:

The House Interior Appropriations Subcommittee’s vote is just one initial legislative step of the overall appropriations process. The bill now moves to the full House Committee on Appropriations, which is expected to consider it next week.

The US Senate will have its say as well, putting forward its own budget proposal this coming fall. We’ll continue to keep you updated, and provide meaningful steps for timely advocacy on behalf of federal funding for the arts.

Stay Connected:

We will continue to keep you informed about what is happening both at the National and State level. Connect to us on Facebook or Twitter, sign up for our email list, or email us at advocacy@artsnc.org.